Monday, October 4, 2010

Challenging Islam: Palin sex in Christian style



Hank Williams would love this.

No doubt that backwoods boy of the 1940's would write a song -- and dance along....

The delightful Bristol Palin exactly symbolizes what Islamic extremists resent in American life: public decadence and the peddling of easy sexuality.

Ironically the values of Muslim fundamentalists are similar to the family values Sarah Palin praises -- even as she peddles glamor and her daughter does a playful form of sex dance.

Yes, Sarah Palin is the classic "Christian nationalist."

She warns of a Muslim threat, promotes American military power and urges the defense and spread of traditional American Christian values.

While daugher Bristol symbolizes the freedoms so foreign to traditional Islamic culture: sex and pregnancy outside of marriage merchandised to earn personal fame and fortune.

We know that some Muslims find Western "decadence" appealing -- with young men sometimes enjoying strip clubs when overseas.

We know that eroticism is present in some Islamic societies -- for example the tradition of "belly dancing" (or "Arabic Dance") in Egypt, Lebanon, and Turkey.

Still, many fundamentalist Muslims circle the wagons to prevent Western cultural infiltration of their societies.

So Bristol in her modestly sexual way is a classic symbol of the "clash of civilizations."

She is the essence of a cultural force which Islamic fundamentalists fear will seep across the world to disrupt their more traditional values.


"Dominionism" is closely related to the concept of "Christian Nationalism."

Stimulated by rapid domestic change and the threat of Islamic terrorism, it sees the very rise of Islam as a Sharia Law threat to Christian life.

It calls for the assertion of Christian national power.

It is the mirror image of those Muslims who see materialism and sexual license in the West as a threat to Islamic life.

Dominionism is so prevalent in U.S. life that we rarely notice it.

It is a partner in dance with Islamic extremism.

Together they help shape our world.

Christian nationalists can fear that imported Sharia law may undermine the West.

Islamic fundamentalists can fear post Gloria Steinem liberated women conveyed by movies and internet may subvert their ways.

So, everyone, why not just relax a bit?

Enjoy the View. Humanity deserves a laugh.